3 Ways to Create a Total Web Security Plan for Your Business
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3 Ways to Create a Total Web Security Plan for Your Business
No matter what type of business you have, website security is something to take very seriously. On the one hand, you need to protect your website itself from anything that would threaten its functionality and availability to your audience. On the other, you need to protect the data that is stored within your site from either accidental or deliberate loss.
Data loss can occur due to:
Power outages
Human error
Hard drive crashes
Hacking or theft
Viruses and malware
There are three ways you can address security to provide thorough, broad protection for your website and its data: regular automatic backups, making sure your team is educated about data loss, and utilizing the latest tools available in network security.
Automatic Backups
Experts recommend that every site have an automatic website backup solution so that you can restore your entire site in a few clicks if anything should go wrong. Though you can back up your site manually, that leaves its security and functionality vulnerable to human error. You can implement an automatic backup system simply through the use of a website plugin or through a web hosting provider like RAMShard. Cloud-based backups are ideal in the event your server ever goes down. Automatic backup systems are efficient and affordable, and using one can help minimize website downtime as well as data loss.
Data Loss Education
Educating yourself and your team about data loss and protection is vital for the well-being of your business. Since new threats are being developed every day, you should be up to date on the latest tools and procedures to use. Consider hiring a freelance cybersecurity professional not only to implement a data loss prevention strategy but also to educate you on what you can be doing to improve security. Employees should know what information they are allowed to share in person and over the phone, as no tool can prevent data breaches of this nature. They should also receive training on how to recognize phishing or social engineering schemes, password protection, and internet and social media policies. These areas are all important factors in establishing cybersecurity and a complete DLP strategy.
Network Security Tools
Network security tools combine targeted software, policies, and procedures that will prevent unauthorized access to your network and respond to it when it happens. These range from software that can detect malware and analyze your data for threats to responsive software and protocols that can resolve any issues that come up.
A few examples of DLP tools are:
Antivirus software detects and responds to malware and viruses.
Wireless security adds a layer of security for your wireless networks.
Endpoint security provides security when your data is accessed remotely or through personal devices.
Email security uses software applications to address threats to network security.
Network access control uses analytics to define what behaviors are abnormal.
Total network and website security may sound intimidating, but it really isn't difficult to roll out with the right professionals and software to protect you. Just as a good insurance policy covers your business, home, or car, a DLP system provides insurance for your data. Though the data itself is intangible, it's priceless and has very real effects on your business.
RAMShard provides secure, fast, and reliable web hosting services to help you get your website up and running. Learn more about how we can help!
Updated on: 01/17/2024
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