Articles on: Game Server Management

Getting Started with FileZilla

FileZilla is one of the most popular free FTP software to access and manage your server files. It is also necessary to use an FTP software like this when uploading and downloading files bigger than 16MB on your RAMShard server.

To follow this guide, you must have FileZilla installed. Below are links to the official download pages depending on your platform:
FileZilla for Windows:
FileZilla for MacOS:

Once FileZilla is installed, you can now use it to manage your server files.

Accessing Server Files via FileZilla

Access your server control panel: RAMShard Server Control Panel

From the side menu of your control panel, navigate to Files > FTP File Access.

Enter these details into FileZilla:
FTP Address ➜ Host
FTP Port ➜ Port
FTP Username ➜ Username

You must include the numbers after the username as well or it will not work.

For the password, enter the password you use to log into your RAMShard server control panel.

After entering all the details, click Quick Connect.
The first time you connect you will receive an Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS message. This is a normal message and can be ignored. Check the always allow FTP over TLS box and continue.

Once you see the Status: Directory listing of "/" successful status message, you have successfully connected and can begin managing your server files via FileZilla!

If you are receiving an authentication error, double-check that the username and password you entered are correct.

Basics of Using FileZilla

On the left panel of FileZilla are your local files or the files on your computer. While on the right panel are your server files.

To upload files to any directory of your server, simply drag files onto the right panel of FileZilla but make sure that you have the correct folder or directory selected on your server. You may locate files from the left panel on FileZilla or directly from any of the folders in your computer.

To download files from your server and into your computer, select and drag the files from the right panel to a chosen destination on your computer in the left panel on FileZilla.

Updated on: 06/13/2024

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