Articles on: Minecraft

Introduction to GeyserMC/DragonProxy

What is GeyserMC?

GeyserMC (formerly known as DragonProxy) is a proxy for Minecraft that allows for Bedrock edition players to join Java/PC edition servers. DragonProxy was replaced with GeyserMC when the two teams united. This article covers the basics of GeyserMC.

GeyserMC cannot run worlds, players, etc.

Since GeyserMC is not Minecraft software and does not run any of the Minecraft code, worlds and players cannot actually exist on a GeyserMC instance. GeyserMC is not a Minecraft server — rather, it is a proxy that simply bridges the connection between the player and server. It pretends to be a Minecraft server, but it isn’t. It’s only purpose is to forward a Bedrock/MCPE edition player to the Java edition Minecraft server configured.

GeyserMC as a plugin

The easiest solution to using GeyserMC is to install it as a plugin on your already existing Java edition server. This means that you do not require a separate server for the proxy instance itself.

Note that this feature is not supported by DragonProxy.


Download ( the GeyserMC plugin based on the server platform you are running (Spigot, BungeeCord, Sponge, Bukkit etc.) and install it into the "plugins" directory on your server.

Restart your server to generate GeyserMC's configuration files.

Edit the newly generated config.yml file present in the /plugins/Geyser-Spigot directory to contain your Java Edition's server IP and port. You will need to set these details under both the bedrock and remote sections of the config file, like so:

  # The IP address that will listen for connections
  # The port that will listen for connections
  port: 25565
  # The MOTD that will be broadcasted to Bedrock clients
  motd1: "GeyserMC"
  motd2: "Another GeyserMC forced host."
  # The IP of the remote (Java Edition) server
  # The port of the remote (Java Edition) server
  port: 25565
  # Authentication type. Can be offline, online, or floodgate
  # (see
  auth-type: online

Save the changes you have made to the GeyserMC config file and restart your server. You should now be able to join your Java Edition server on Bedrock Edition by using the same IP and port as your Java Edition server.

Standalone setup of GeyserMC

A standalone GeyserMC setup requires you to have a server for both the GeyserMC instance itself and the Java edition server you would like to connect the proxy to.

The requirements for a standalone setup are following:

One Minecraft Java edition server that you wish to connect to the proxy (this can be Vanilla, Spigot, Craftbukkit etc.).
An additional Minecraft server to run the GeyserMC software.


Download ( or select the preferred GeyserMC version from the Server Type list on Multicraft (to be added soon)
Start the server in order to generate the necessary configuration files
Stop the server and edit the file config.yml to include the remote (Java edition) server's IP and port. Here you can also modify options such as the GeyserMC server's MOTD, authentication type etc. You can learn more about the configuration file here:

  # The IP of the remote (Java Edition) server
  # The port of the remote (Java Edition) server
  port: 25565
  # Authentication type. Can be offline, online, or floodgate 
  # (see
  auth-type: online

Save the configuration file and start the server. Your GeyserMC server should now operate as intended.

If you require any further assistance, please contact our support on our live chat.

Updated on: 02/23/2024

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