Articles on: Minecraft: Java Edition

How do I install datapacks?

Datapack Requirements

The datapack needs to match your server version. Outdated datapacks will not work properly on versions they do not officially support.
Be sure the datapack is in a ZIP file format.

Must look like a variant of this in the ZIP file

Installing A Datapack

Go to the files drop down tab and select FTP File Access.
Click into your world folder. In the world folder, you should see a datapacks folder.
Click into the datapacks folder.
Choose to upload the datapack ZIP file.

Enabling The Datapack

You will want to use the reload command. (Please note if you are running plugins (Bukkit/Spigot/Paper), then you need to restart the server.)
Next, check to be sure it had enabled.

Type in the console:
datapack list enabled

Upon enabling successfully, you can play on the server with it. Though if it does not enable and you do not know why, send us a message on our support.

All the datapack commands:
datapack disable <name>
datapack enable <name> [first|last]
datapack enable <name> [before|after] <existing>
datapack list [available|enabled]

Updated on: 01/09/2020

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