Articles on: Minecraft

How to Use Whitelist in Your Minecraft Server

Whitelisting is a way to limit the players that can connect to your Minecraft server. This is a useful security feature built into Minecraft if you play with a limited group or want to filter who can and cannot join your server.

How to Enable or Disable Whitelist via Config File

Log in to your control panel account here: RAMShard Server Control Panel

From the left side menu, navigate to Files > Config Files.

On the Config Files page, select Server Settings.

Find the Whitelisting option and change its value to Enabled / Disabled.
Enabled - This option enables whitelisting. Only players you specified can join your server.
Disabled - This option disables whitelisting. Any player can join your server.

Click Save then, restart your server.

How to Enable or Disable Whitelist via Command

You must be an operator to be able to use the /whitelist commands in-game.
You can also enable and disable whitelisting in game through the in-game command.
/whitelist on - Enables whitelisting. Only players you specified can join your server.
/whitelist off - Disables whitelisting. Any player can join your server.

You may also use these commands on your server console by removing the /.

How to Manage Your Whitelist

You must be an operator to be able to use the /whitelist commands in-game.

Adding Players

To add players to your whitelist, use the command /whitelist add [playername]. For example, /whitelist add Steve.

Removing Players

To remove players from your whitelist, use the command /whitelist remove [playername]. For example, /whitelist remove Steve.

Reloading the Whitelist

If you've recently added or removed a player from your whitelist, you will need to reload your whitelist in order for the changes to take effect. To reload your whitelist, use the command /whitelist reload.

View the Whitelist

Your can view the list of players you have added to your whitelist by using the command /whitelist list.

You may also use these commands on your server console by removing the /.

Updated on: 07/09/2024

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